Congratulations on reaching this page!

You’re on the doorstep of an extraordinary opportunity…

Now, whether you’re new to options or you’re interested in learning as many profit strategies as possible…

You’re in the right spot.

In short, I’d like to present you with a very special, limited-time offer that is unlike anything I’ve ever put together.

Of course, I’m doing this for you because I want you to have the best chance at success possible.

So what I’m about to hand you is something we just published here at Trading Tips.

And it’s THE perfect addition to your options arsenal.

How the Fusion System Works and Why It Could Cause Your Income to Soar

Now, it’s not the only thing you’ll receive today…

But it’s likely the most important.

It’s called The Fusion System: How to Trade Credit Spreads for Monthly Income.

And below, you’ll find just a taste of what this system includes…

Page 2:
You’ll learn how to trade credit spreads for weekly income.

Page 3:
Five things you MUST know about options before even placing your first trade.

Page 20:
We’ll show you the five critical “ingredients” that the Fusion System is based on and how they could help you increase your chances of success.

Page 25:
You’ll see real life examples of the Fusion System in action. This will help you better understand exactly how the system works and how to use it for yourself.

Page 35:
We cover several fundamentals that every option trader (novice or expert) needs to keep in mind in order to execute successful options trades.

Page 41:
Six things you NEED to know when pricing options. This is a critical list that all successful option investors should know by heart.

Now that’s just a small idea of what this incredible book holds within it.

Once you have it in hand, you’ll learn far more than what I can list right here.

In short, The Fusion System could help you take your option experience, knowledge, and success to the next level.

And this is a physical book. We’ll mail it right to your doorstep.

But here’s where things get really good.

Because I’m not just going to send you the The Fusion System today…

I’m going to send you
FIVE additional bonuses as well

When I say I want you to get rich, I absolutely mean it.

And if that means putting every possible resource in your hands, well, that’s precisely what I’m going to do.

So in addition to The Fusion System, I’m also going to hand you the keys to an additional library of information that includes FIVE incredible bonuses.

The first thing I’d like to send you is the absolutely critical Credit Spreads Cheat Sheet.

It might look simple, but it could mean the difference between executing a highly profitable trade and losing your shirt.

See, there are times when you need to make a decision quickly. So you might not have time to flip through an entire book for the tidbit you’re looking for.

That’s where this Cheat Sheet comes in.

Keep this sheet next to your computer, on your desk, and you’ll be prepared to take action at a moment’s notice.

That’s because this Cheat Sheet is a very condensed version of The Fusion System book.

And it will help you identify profitable patterns more quickly, much more easily, and it’ll put you in position to nail down huge winners.

In fact, you might just want to frame it after you realize just how vital this sheet could be to your sustained success as an option investor.

However, like I say, I want to send you FIVE bonuses. This was just the first.

In addition to what I’ve already covered, you’ll also receive a series of downloadable ebooks, so you can store them safely on your computer for quick reference.

And they’re yet another step in your journey to ultimate profits.

So what are the ebooks I’m handing you right now?

Check it out:

This ebook details an options investment strategy you can literally set your calendar by. Earnings “season” – when a lot of companies issue earnings reports – is a time when many investors make short-term trading profits based on projections of what these reports will contain.

(Value $49 – Yours FREE)

The Reverse Iron Condor is an effective non-directional options trading strategy that has an excellent reward to risk ratio, and could earn you some great profits.

(Value $49 – Yours FREE)

This is THE perfect strategy for traders with limited capital. So if you’re not into the short-term, rapid-fire action of trading regularly, this book details a longer-term strategy to capitalize on stocks.

(Value $49 – Yours FREE)

Did you know there are options funds out there that do all the work for you and allow you to collect a passive stream of income? Well there are, and there are a lot of them. We detail the 5 best funds in this ebook, giving you the ability to compound your wealth (and you hardly have to lift a finger).

(Value $49 – Yours FREE)

This is an incredibly valuable library of information.

It gives you so many choices as to how you want to make your money.

Want to trade every week and rake in extra income?

Want to sit back and earn income passively?

Want to know how to make money no matter which way the market moves?

All of this and MORE is included in the bonuses I just detailed above.

Of course, I can’t give something of this importance away at no charge. That’s just not feasible with all of the man hours that went into creating this stable of information.

But I can do the next best thing…

I’m asking only the bare minimum for everything I’ve detailed.

So you’ll get everything above for the small sum of just $39.

That’s more than 85% off the retail price.

I’ll even cover expedited shipping directly to your door.

That’s right. I’ll cover the cost of packaging, handling, AND shipping.

And it’s all yours forever.

It’s an absolute steal if you ask me.

To take advantage of this one-time offer, simply click the button below, and I’ll send you EVERYTHING I’ve outlined above

It’s time to make your move. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Simply fill out the order form below:

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