The “Income for Life Book Collection”

How to Trade Credit Spreads for Income

The definitive options trading strategy for risk-adverse investors seeking substantial monthly income.

You can use this strategy to generate income on stocks you don’t even own… even if those stocks are moving sideways.

(Value $49)

How to Generate Income from Rubber Band Stocks

Familiar with rubber band stocks? Most investors aren’t. Yet they’re a secret used by some top traders.

It’s an easy strategy to learn, and it’s even easier to use. Yet it’s one of the most overlooked ways of making money in the stock market today.

(Value $49)

Rent Your Stocks for Monthly Income

You read that right. You can actually “rent” the stocks in your portfolio and pull in lump sums of cash for doing it. Just like a landlord collects rent from the apartments they rent, you could be collecting payouts from the stocks you currently own.

Less than 1% of investors currently do this, but it’s a strategy I believe EVERYONE should be taking advantage of.

(Value $49)

How to Sell Puts Like Warren Buffett

Everyone wants to make money like Buffett, but there’s one strategy he uses that any investor can tap into for huge money.

It’s not for the faint of heart, but if you have a bit of courage, this strategy could hand you some wildly massive paydays (and you don’t have to start with tons of capital).

(Value $49)

The 402 Dividend Achievers for 2024

If you like collecting dividends, this book is absolutely for you. It’s one of the most important books we’ve ever put together, and it includes THE best dividend-paying companies in the world.

Some of the companies on this list will surprise you… They’re not all household names, yet they could boost your portfolio gains substantially.

(Value $49)

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